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Be A Part Of History

Tell Your Story

Project Immortality Pty Ltd

Everyone lives an amazing life.
It is true that often we struggle with hardships, pain, sadness and loss, but there are also moments of joy, elation, pride and heroics. Project Immortality is an initiative that enables anyone to tell their life story as a documentary style video and/or podcast and save it for prosperity. Keeping the essence of every individual alive in those that watch and listen to their stories. Project Immortality has two major goals. Firstly, to provide a historical account of a person’s life for future generations to listen to and get a better understanding of their family heritage and achievements. Secondly, to provide a platform that will help people who have lived experiences to share their stories with a wider audience. Lived experiences of mental health, domestic violence, abuse, PTSD, homelessness, LGBTIQ+, refugees and 1st nation’s people and people living with disabilities. Helping others in a similar situation to see they are not alone and that help and support mechanisms are available.

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Project Immortality believes in saluting the service of those who serve, no matter the capacity or length of service. We are dedicated to preserving Australia’s wartime heritage by shining a light on the service and sacrifice of Australia’s service personnel in wars, conflicts and peace operations. By providing this platform for veterans to share their stories, we hope to promote an appreciation and deeper understanding of the experiences those who have served played in shaping our nation.

Title goes here


Lt Col Francois Nozaic tells of his twenty plus years of service, the heritage and importance of serving in the
Armoured Corp, the hardships, impacts and joys of deployment and some great advice for the younger generation
thinking of enlisting in the Defence Force.

Peter Gration


George Mansford

World War II

Title goes here



Project Immortality supports  people who have lived experiences to share their stories with a wider audience. Lived experiences of mental health, domestic violence, abuse, PTSD, homelessness, LGBTQIA+, refugees and 1st nation’s people and people living with disabilities.





Your Story - Your Way

How will you tell your story?


The core element to Project Immortality is to record your story, in your words, raw, emotive, uncensored and unedited. 

You then have the option of having your story as a featured post on our site, or placed in the vault where only people you authorise (like family) can access and view it.

Podcast / Book

Many people want to tell their story but are uncomfortable being on video. Sometimes cultural beliefs don’t allow capturing a person’s image or seeing their image after death. In these circumstances, you can have the audio only version of your story available to share.

Or maybe you want your life story turned into a book. We partner with Gecko Tales Publishing, who can turn your story into a professional book.

Time Capsule

The Time Capsule is an option whereby you stipulate a time and circumstances for your story to be accessed. You may have information in your life that you don’t want your family to see while you are alive as it may cause pain and grief. 

So you can lock it in a time capsule to be released on your death. Again, you have the power to stipulate who can access and view your story.

If you only had what's left of TODAY, 
What would your "Story-To-Last-the-Ages be?" 

We've all had moments - memorable moments- that we wish we could share with our loved ones.

Moments that can transcend time itself, to be told and retold long after we've gone. 

Don't put it off till tomorrow! Don't leave it to chance! Get in touch TODAY and have a chat. 


Book your call with me today

Just fill out the form below and I will get back to you shortly



Author Artist Matt B


To look at me you wouldn’t think ..Oh yeah he’s an Author and Illustrator of Children’s Books. So what is my Story?

I graduated from school in ’86 and joined the military. After destroying my

knee twice, once in basic training in the Army and again serving in the Navy, I

got the message, move on, so I started in the Security Provisions field.

Starting with crowd control, then security operations, personal protection, and dog handling. I then decided to raise the bar and become an unarmed combat and weapons handling instructor. 

Then I did a stint in PRISON!…As a Corrections Officer (I know what you were thinking.) 

After 15 years in security, I figured a change of pace was needed, so I went to work with the Federal Government, where I stayed for the next 18 years.

My passion for Education and the Environment, led me to gain a Bachelor’s Degree in Further Education and Training and a Master’s Degree in Environmental and Business Management.

I am a Master Storyteller achieving the mantle Amazon Best Selling Author.

I love the idea that everyone has a story to tell, and that everyone’s life has meaning. I’d love to hear yours.

Mick Faydherbe

Michael Faydherbe


Hello and welcome to Project Immortality. I'm the dad of 4 amazing sons. After working with the Juvenile Justice system and ACT 4 Kids, I moved to a 5 acre patch of melaleuca forest, where I live in solitude. This is my happy place.

So, how did project immortaly (PI) come to be?

 Part of my day is listening to the local radio. Listeners call to tell their life stories and all too often these amazing stories are cut short. Really short. I want to hear it all! I believe if all of our stories can be recorded, in our own words then we have left our mark. 

Don’t we want our stories to be heard? Imagine your great great grandchild (or similar generation) watching and listening to your story! Immortalised for all time. After all shared experiences and knowledge are strong fibres within the fabric of our society. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you can join us on this adventure and make project immortality something truly great. Warmest regards. Michael Faydherbe.

© Project Immortality 2022